Summer Movies in Nashville and Middle Tennessee
One of my family’s favorite summer activities is seeing a movie. We love an outdoor movie under the stars, an icy cold theater on a sweltering afternoon or (our favorite!) a double feature at the drive in. Check this list throughout the summer, we’ll keep adding events until Labor Day!
Stardust Drive-In Watertown (Map)
Movies every night of the week on 2 screens during summer. Box office opens at 6PM.
Cost: $9.50 per person age 12 & up
Kids (age 6-11) $7.50
Kids 5 & under are free
Concessions are available. You may also purchase a ‘food permit’ for $8 per car in order to bring in outside food.
Cash & Credit/Debit cards are accepted at the box office and concessions.
The Moonlite Drive-in – Woodbury (Map)
Movies on Friday, Saturday & Sunday night on 2 screens. Gates open at 6PM
Cost: $8 per person age 5 & up
Kids 5 & under are free
Concessions are available. You may also purchase a ‘food permit’ for $8 per car in order to bring in outside food.
Cash & Credit/Debit cards are accepted at the box office and concessions.