Cedar Hill Park is located in North Nashville on Old Hickory Boulevard. This park features an unusually large playscape, seven reservable picnic shelters, sports fields, trails, a duck pond and lots of open greenspace.
As you drive in the entrance, you can drive straight to access the sports fields and picnic areas. If you are only interested in the playscape, hang a left just after you drive in and it will save you lots of time. This play area is NOT for toddlers. It is gargantuan. It features two high twisty slides and a few straight slides.
Playscape Fun!
There are several spots within the play area that are designed to appeal to younger kids. But, personally, I think the lure to climb this structure and go down the big slides would be too much temptation for a very small child. I took Ava (9), Katie (11) and Anna (13) and they really enjoyed it. Most play areas are too small for them so this was a nice change of pace.
In addition to the large playscape, there is also a set of swings located in the same area.
Picnic at the Lake
If you continue driving straight as you enter the park, you will pass the sports fields on your left. After you pass those, you will drive by the beautiful pond. One of the unique aspects of this park is the picnic shelters. Each one has it’s own private area. They all have their own parking which would be convenient for family reunions or birthday parties. Some of them feature small play areas and/or views of the pond.
Each of the seven shelters is distinctive so I would definitely make a trip to check each of them out before reserving one for an event.
Unfortunately, port-a-potties are the only bathroom facilities available at Cedar Hill Park. And trust me, you don’t want to go in one. Plan your trip or event accordingly.
Family Fun Facts
Cedar Hill Park
Location: 860 Old Hickory Blvd, Madison, TN 37115 (Map)
Hours : 8AM – 11PM Daily
Cost : FREE
I recently just started going here because it’s close to my grandson school, so when i drop him or around noon i can go and read or put a pole in the water and fish. I really enjoy the fishing. Many of times while i’m reading, i can’t fish on the hook. Love this park!
where are the trails? Thank you beyond duck pond..
A great place to picnic.