Weekend Snow Trips Near Nashville

Whenever Nashville gets snow, it stirs a longing in my children (and myself) to visit somewhere with LOTS of snow! It feels like snow is such a rarity here in Middle Tennessee, but it doesn’t take a far drive to find places that will give your kids that magical winter wonderland experience. You can find the time it will take you to drive from Nashville in parentheses following each location below.


Ober Gatlinburg (3hrs. 45min.) – https://obergatlinburg.com/

Pigeon Forge Snow (still under construction) – https://pigeonforgesnow.com/


Stone Mountain Park (4hrs. 8min.) – https://www.stonemountainpark.com

North Carolina

Scaly Mountain Outdoor Center (5hrs.) – https://www.stonemountainpark.com

Sugar Mountain Resort (5hrs. 15min.) – http://www.skisugar.com/

Hawksnest Snow Tubing (5 hrs. 30 min.) – https://hawksnesttubing.com/

Beech Mountain Resort (5 hrs. 20 min.) – https://www.beechmountainresort.com

Moonshine Mountain (5 hrs. 9 min.) – http://www.moonshinemountain.com/

Jonas Ridge Snow Tubing (5 hrs. 18 min.) – http://www.jonasridgesnowtube.com/

Sapphire Valley Ski Area (5 hrs. 26 min.) – http://www.skisapphirevalley.com

Wolf Ridge Ski Resort (5 hrs.) – http://www.carolinamornings.com/wolf-ridge-tube-run.asp

Cataloochee Ski Area (4 hrs. 36 min.) – http://cataloochee.com

Appalachian Ski Mountain (5 hrs. 45 min.) – https://www.appskimtn.com/


Hidden Valley (5 hrs. 10 min.) – https://www.hiddenvalleyski.com/


Perfect North (4 hrs. 22 min.) – https://www.perfectnorth.com/

Paoli Peaks (3 hrs. 30 min.) – https://www.paolipeaks.com/


Snowstar (6 hrs. 42 min.) – http://www.skisnowstar.com/

Raging Buffalo (8 hrs.) – http://www.ragingbuffalo.com/

Villa Olivia (8 hrs.) – http://villaolivia.com/winter-sports/

Four Lakes Alpine Snow Sports (7 hrs. 45 min.) – https://www.fourlakessnowsports.com/


Mad River Mountain (6 hrs. 15 min.) – https://www.skimadriver.com/

Snow Trails (7 hrs.) – https://www.snowtrails.com/

Boston Mills (7 hrs. 50 min.) – https://www.bmbw.com/

West Virginia

Canann Ski Resort (6 hrs. 39 min.) – https://www.winterplace.com/

Timberline Four Seasons Resort (8 hrs. 45 min.) – http://www.timberlineresort.com/


Wintergreen Resort (8 hrs. 19 min.) – http://www.wintergreenresort.com

Massanutten Resort (8 hrs. 20 min.) – https://www.massresort.com/

Bryce Resort (8 hrs. 45 min.) – https://bryceresort.com/

Omni Homestead Resort (8 hrs. 8 min.) – https://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/homestead-virginia/things-to-do/ski

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Crystal was born and raised, and now raising a family of her own in Middle Tennessee. She currently lives in Murfreesboro with her husband Glenn, and their three children; Hunter, Grayson, and Hailey. They are an unschooling family, meaning they spend lots and lots of time out and about exploring all that this area has to offer!

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