The City of Spring Hill is unique in it’s history and culture and has been the site of many major events. The City of Spring Hill is statistically one of the fastest growing cities and it is important younger generations and those that have relocated to the City have the opportunity to learn and cherish the City of Spring Hill’s history.
This will be a FREE family event for the community to celebrate and learn about The Cities rich history in agriculture on May 7th. What a better way to kick off the summer months with Food Trucks, Hands-on Activities, Yard Games, several Antique Tractors on site, and Live Entertainment to finish off the night. This is an outdoor concert event that will take place near the amphitheater at Rippavilla Plantation.
Follow @SpringHillTNParksandRecreation on Facebook for more details on the event, live music, Food, Antique Tractor show, and activities!